Personal information

By submitting through the forms on this WebSite any personal information including (but not limited to) your email, password, full name, phone number, billing address, business address, information about your clients, etc. you agree to have this information stored in our database(s).

We will take all necessary steps to protect the personal information of our users by using advanced technologies, best web security practices and policies including but not limited to encryption of data, restricted access to personal information, etc.

We do not share with third-parties any personal information of the users registered in our Website except the cases when this information is requested by law enforcements or courts in accordance with the law.

We do not collect the credit card details of our users. Instead we use trusted third-party online payment processors (i.e. PayPal, etc.).

It is very unlikely but if a data breach is detected in our systems and/or we find out about a leak of personal information of our users, we will contact all affected users as soon as possible within reasonable period of time. We also will notify local law enforcements in accordance with the law and will work with them to further investigate the incident.

The right "to be forgotten"

All users may delete all their personal information from our database(s) at any time by proceeding to User Profile page and clicking the "Delete Profile" and following the required steps.

If a user chooses to delete his/her profile, we leave the right to keep some anonymized information which won't have any traces of the user or links to the user.


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